Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday's Pop Quiz

10. Quick Recombinant DNA Quiz
If you are combining the DNA of another species with the DNA of dinosaurs in order to clone them, should you use:
(a) a species that can change sex, therefore increasing the chances that the dinosaurs will multiply and putting your entire franchise, not to mention your employees and visitors, at risk; or
(b) a species that cannot change sex, therefore keeping your dinosaur population under control?

If you answered (b), then you are well on your way to successful cloned-dinosaur theme park ownership. If you answered (a), then you should do some more research, or maybe hire a couple more PhDs.

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha. You guys make me LOL. I especially like the label "science" on this one. It needs an exclamation mark though.
